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Another Dream Accomplished!!

Assalamualaikum... Terasa nak menaip plak malam2 buta ni amek vibe loteng ni kan. ha ha ha. Apa khabar semua..tuddia macam lah ada yang masih membaca. Takpe memang sekadar coretan.  Alhamdulillah sekarang masih diberi kesihatan..cuma dah mula rasa le sendi2, lutut aku ni dah sakit2 sikit bila nak bengkok..tapi masih boleh la nak solat dengan sesempurna pergerakan yang mungkin. Dah terpaksa terima kenyataan yang dah kena amek supplement. Kena makan gluccocamine lah apa huhu. Tapi yang kelakar di umur 40 ni la baru nak naik jerawat. Ni semua gara-gara start pakai Mary Kay le ni. Tiba-tiba suatu hari tu aku bagitau Cembam nak pakai la something. Sebab muka ni orang kata ada jeragat. Aku dok nampak timewise la apa benda tu..Nak pakai la bagi nampak muda..hahaha. Sekali bila pakai dia nak bersihkan muka kita ni, semua kotoran kuaq dulu..tuddia tak pernah2 aku berjerawat camni..Naik semerbak. Timing pulak dengan masa ni aku tengah rajin nak main tenis. Pagi main, kadang petang main...wiken m

Wintercation Kimichi Land Part 6 - Namsan Tower, SBSC Animation Center, Hangang Cruise

Hari ke lima adalah hari terakhir kami boleh gunakan DSP. So the next in our itinerary is the Namsan Tower. Pagi tu kami gerak awal sikit..akononnya. Coz bila googled ada Eskalator yang macam elevator nak naik ke Namsan Tower tu. And tak besar mana kotak elevator tu. Jadi, we just afraid it would be too many people long queue ke apa kan. But Alhamdulillah, not too many people that morning.  If you gonna walk towards the Cable Car station, you would probably need to take the left uphill route. If you wanna use the elevator just walk ahead few more meters on the right This is the free elevator that you can use to go to the cable car station.  Cable car going to Namsan Tower is also free for DSP holder. There's also walking route if you wanna hike from bottom. I think you can take the taxi too. The waiting was not that long. Not that many people when we were there.  Up there, there's a place to take pictures with all the padlocks. I wonder if this is the place where I read somewhe

Wintercation Kimichi Land Part 5 - Seoul Zoo, Lotte World

 Day 2 of using our DSP, we went to Seoul Grand Zoo. I googled around and saw the price for Lift 2-times + Zoo is RM51. In the subway, there were many elders with their hiking gears that day. The Ahjumma cap sytle can be found all over the place. When we reached the station, it was like we were the only 'young' people. Hahahaha.  Turned out that Seoul Zoo is located just by the Seoul Grand Park where all these elders would spend their time hiking with friends. Some would just stroll and walk in the Zoo too. We redeemed our tickets for the entrance and 2-times sky lift. The sky lift is quite long. It moves really slow so you just enjoy the chilly wind and the view from up there. Turned out that the sky lift has a 2nd trail going further up. So we decided to take the 2nd trail going further up and plan to walk down inside the zoo. Geng2 Elders habiskan masa lapang Orang umah aku dok serung. terpaksa naik separate sebab max 1 lift tu 3 orang je Tu Theme Land dia tak silap. Tapi ka